This edition features reports from the DIAKONIA President, and the Regional Presidents, which gives an overview about what is happening in our DIAKONIA Regions.
There is a summary about the Executive Committee meeting in July in Kaiserswerth, Germany. One of the important decisions made was to make arrangements for the next DIAKONIA World Assembly to be held in Chicago, USA, after the planning team in the Philippines withdrew from hosting for reasons beyond their control. The Executive has committed to giving leadership to the planning and is developing the program around the theme, Shaken by the Wind.
There's a very positive report of the 2013 Assembly in Berlin. One of the graphs indicates a huge number of first time attendees. We do hope that many of these 'first timers' plan to attend the next Assembly, in Chicago, along with many more 'first timers' who will attend an Assembly for the first time.
There are dates provided for the DOTAC and DRAE Regional gatherings in 2015, which I plan to attend.
The Treasurer has outlined the financial decisions taken at the Executive Committee meeting, and an overview of finances.
As well, there is also news on the visits I have made this past year to South India and South Korea to visit diaconal associations. These visits have been wonderful - informative and inspiring.
And so much more........! What a feast of information and news! Many thanks to the English editor Laura Lazar and the German editor Ulrike Kellner. What a great team!
This 100th edition is also the last one to be distributed in paper form. Almost everyone on the mailing list now has a email address to which DIAKONIA News can be sent, saving considerable expense and time spent on preparing the mailing, and DIAKONIA News can be available in electronic form in libraries.
(We would love to hear from your association, to feature news in either/or the DIAKONIA News, the Regional Presidents reports, and this blogsite)
As you read this edition of DIAKONIA News, take a few moments to pray along the way for people and places and situations. Within these stories, may we discern God's Spirit weaving and dancing, and give thanks for God's blessings.
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